Jardim dos Orixás

Uma imersão no feitio do Santo Daime (Ayahuasca)

Por Ale Filizzola | 20 a 23 de Abril de 2023

Visitei o retiro Jardim dos Orixás, próxima a Diamantina/MG/Brasil, para acompanhar o feitio do Santo Daime, também conhecido como Ayahuasca pelos povos indígenas no norte do Brasil, onde ele se originou. Há anos tinha curiosidade sobre este ritual, que envolve elementos da cultura indígena em sincretismo com influências africanas e cristãs, entre tantas outras, no que considero uma das mais representativas da diversidade e religiosidade do povo brasileiro. Este feitio em particular foi realizado num esforço conjunto entre a Fraternidade Kayman e a Casa de Cura Nossa Senhora da Conceição no final do mês de Abril de 2023.

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From Local to Global / Do Local para o Global

Circular economy at the epicentre of handcrafted fashion in Brazil / A economia circular no epicentro da moda artesanal no Brasil

From Local to Global is a project which raises awareness of sustainable fashion practices in Brazil and challenges a debate on how its cultural references could be depicted in fashion photography, with sections on circular economy, labour, cultural identity, decoloniality, case studies and possible ways of branding local products to global markets. Furthermore, this was my master’s project for the MA Fashion Photography – LCF/UAL which got an A+ grade and granted me a graduation with distinction.

Do Local para o Global: A Economia Circular no Centro da Moda Artesanal no Brazil (From Local to Global) é um projeto que chama a atenção para a produção de moda sustentável no Brasil e promove o debate sobre como as referências culturais podem ser incorporadas na fotografia de moda. Este trabalho levanta questões sobre economia circular, identidade cultural, decolonialismo, relações de trabalho, sustentabilidade e geração de renda, e sobre como a produção local de moda pode ser transformada em um valioso produto para o mercado internacional. Este estudo garantiu o título de Mestre em Fotografia de Moda com nota máxima e ‘honras’ ao fotógrafo Ale Filizzola. Ale foi único brasileiro e latino americano a se formar com este diploma pela London College of Fashion / UAL (2021)

PDF view of the magazine: From Local to Global – Circular economy at the epicentre of handcrafted fashion in Brazil

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Tales from the time of the Coronavirus

Re-grounding the epic in the everyday
by @alefilizzola

Beyond the routine and apathy of the everyday, everyone was turned into the protagonist and hero of its own tale during the Coronavirus pandemic. The ordinary is no more. On the one hand there are the ones who belie that this crises is overrated. On the other hand there is the pessimism of those who are waiting for the worse. Although, no matter the scale, there is no scape from being impacted by this world crises. Could anyone not be feeling confused about the present and insecure about the future in a time like this? Nevertheless, we are all trying in our own ways to thrive and overcome the new confined reality. – Maybe wearing colourful clothes or party outfits when staying in the lockdown might help to cheer the mood up, isn’t it?

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Círio de Nazaré – A Fé e a Arte de um povo

A photo exhibition by Ale Filizzola – Embassy of Brazil in London. 01-12 Nov 2021

Every October since 1793, Brazilians and foreign travellers gather in Belém, capital of the northern state of Pará, for a procession in celebration of the Círio de Nazaré festival. It has become the largest religious event in the Western Hemisphere with more than 2 million participants.

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Women of the System (As Mulheres do Sistema)

Photos and article: Alessandro Filizzola
English translation: Catherine Spreadbury

From the banks of the Amazon river in northern Brazil comes an example of how the humanization of the prison system and entrepreneurship can be powerful allies in the reduction of violence and criminality. In June 2018, I had the opportunity to visit the Pará female state prison and to get up close and document the prize-winning work carried out there. This work today serves as a model for the entire prison system in Brazil and has been reported on not only in Brazil but in the rest of the world too. The idea was to photograph the day to day life of these women, both inmates and the staff, but I found much more there than I could have hoped for.

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“Aparições de um universo simbólico e místico, por vezes aterrorizante. A este mundo entregamos nossas almas em sonhos e delírios do que cremos, do que somos e do que vivemos. Prelúdios da morte? Prenúncios da vida?”

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